The New York medical examiner maintains that Solomon (Shlomo) Obstfeld died after plunging to his death from the 19th floor of his luxury Manhattan apartment.
Obstfeld's family members and close friends think differently saying he has been murdered following a quarrel with an Israeli rabbi who had cast a "pulsa denura" death spell on the 55-year-old man.
"Suicide is not a common act by an Orthodox person - it is forbidden in Judaism," a friend of the Obstfeld family told Haaretz.
"He was a very happy and successful man, who contributed to the community. There were no signs that he suffered from depression. On the contrary, he did not leave a note, will, letter or any other sign of suicide. If he had committed suicide, he certainly would have left something behind."
Police say they had found no ladder or chair at the scene showing preparations for suicide.
According to a person close to Obstfeld, the millionaire had rented an apartment to an Israeli rabbi at a below-market price.
The rabbi, however, allegedly did not pay the rent provoking a harsh dispute between the two.
After Obstfeld evicted the rabbi, the rabbi allegedly told friends that he had cast a "pulsa dinura" death curse on Obstfeld.
"We spoke with Obstfeld a lot recently, and despite the fact that the rent dispute disturbed him, he did not seem depressed and it did not seem like he had problems," Obstfeld's friend said.
"He had many plans, he was young, he had a good family and good business. I have no doubt that these men [the rabbi and his associates] were behind this and I could be next in line, because they have no inhibitions."
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