Stanley Kubrick was an accomplished, renown, film director of American birth. His films were widely received and known for their innovative cinematography, creativity and ingenuity. The subjects of his films were diverse and infused with cleverly infused messages directed to his audiences for informational edifications.
• A Clockwork Orange, was a clarion call that allegorically exposed the machinations of MKULTRA mind-control and programming, at the height of its operation during the time of the film's production. When viewed by those knowledgable to mind-control crimes, experiments and such, Kubrick clearly demonstrated clearly that he had collected inside knowledge of these operations, and wanted the public to be aware of it. After receiving death threats directed at himself and his family, Kubrick had the film removed from circulation in the UK.
• The Shining, one of his more mainstream films, darkly portrayed isolation, the seduction of demonic evil, supernatural cognition, and a man's descent into homicidal madness. The insular debauchery, and classism of the 'elite' were also touched upon as well.
• Full Metal Jacket accurately depicted the rigours of basic training, military mental indoctrination, peer-terrorism and soldier as gang-member. Also delineated was the resilience and tenacity of an invaded peoples, and the contextual utter absurdity of war.
• By far Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut, was his most cinematically expositional. With insightful aplomb he reflected the realities of the most taboo of subjects: satanic cults composed of elites, human sacrifice and paedophile networks. The front drop dealt with a professional, bored with his life and specifically his marriage, until his curiosity brings him in full contact with the realities of an underworld that slithers all about him. Eyes Wide Shut was a commentary on disaffected decadence as a lifestyle, as much as it was an exposure of the organised evil lurking about just beneath the surface.
Shortly after screening a final cut of Eyes Wide Shut for his family, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Warner Brothers executives, Kubrick suffered a sudden myocardial infarction in his sleep. What makes his untimely and sudden death suspicious is the nature of the very verboten subject he covered. For those unfamiliar with the real crimes, personalities and the institutionalised power of satanic groups, Eyes Wide Shut's depiction presented it in very real terms. I would imagine that in the circles of Hollywood this would not be something desired whatsoever, especially when Kubrick had full artistic control and final editing. To the powers that be, this would be yet another in the series of exposures into the realities of their operations.
Something to be mindful of is how relatively simple it is to induce a heart attack in a targeted person. There are a number of chemicals, some of them classified, which can be used to perform the deadly task of producing premature heart failure. (Ex?) Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky detailed in his book how a network team of Mossad agents once drugged a target and induced a heart attack by immersing him in freezing cold water while he was unconscious. Depending on limitations of time, resource constraints and credible backstory engineering, assassinations of this type are not only technically possible, but have been historically implemented as expedient methods of untraceable murder.
Viewed in the abstract the suggestion of Stanley Kubrick's possible murder seems incredible at first glance. However when placed in the context of the premature demise of many extraordinary and charismatic individuals it is perfectly plausible. For the extraordinary individual is a threat not for what they know, but their potential influence on the masses. A prime example of this would be John Lennon and Bob Marley.
Kubrick was quoted as often stating a very revealing credo of his: "Be suspicious of people who have, or crave, power." He added, "Never, ever go near power. Don't become friends with anyone who has real power. It's dangerous."
Thanks for this, very interesting.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome.
ReplyDeleteYou are a hero...thanks for exposing this and connecting the dots. Stanley was a true hero.
DeleteIt seems that NASA Can't PROVE the Moon landings aren't Fake
DeleteGreat article. Itwould be good to update this with new information on induced heart attacks by assassins. Look at Breitbart...
DeleteGreat article and thank you for doing this.We need to find a way into the homes and minds of the average citizen. I have been looking at possibly starting up a local cable channel or radio station. If anyone has any ideas please share them because that is the only way to really get the factual based news to people.
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking this for awhile.. I've written a paper on information warfare strategy recently that explains the importance of marketing news and info to women. Tactics would include topic branding as just for girls such as economics for girls, health for girls etc. I'd like to develop a news network specifically targeting women. I think they are key towards persauding public opinion.
Deletehow about police corruption in various countries?
DeleteProblem with this is you become a target! If you are ok with this then all the power to you but it scares me that the average US and Canadian Citizen don't even know this crap is going on as the main steam media will never expose those in the hidden underground crime ring.
ReplyDeleteI wish there was a way to get all his info out without being a target or call crazy!.
Good Luck
Masking a "heart attack" is nothing new. The British has a new poison in 1944. It was colorless, tasteless, odorless, and "delayed-action" when used. It killed by an apparent "heart attack" THREE DAYS after being administered. The British planned to have it put in the water tank of Hitler's rail car on his "special train." Polish women were the cleaners for this train. They were "slave laborers" and perfectly willing to poison Hitler. But the poison was never used because Hitler never rode in his "special train" again. He flew back and forth to his headquarters in East Prussia until he moved into the bunker for the last months of the war. If this was "state of the art" poison in 1944, do you imagine that there have probably been some advancements since then? Kubrick was probably dosed by something he ate or drink several days earlier, or even by something that he touched. His offense was drawing attention to secret societies. The fear was that the movie might provoke questions, "What if . . . ." His movie was too close to the truth, so he was eliminated. The movie was allowed to die a "natural death," unlike Kubrick, but with Kubrick dead, the movie could attain no larger resonance.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen the 'censored' twenty minutes of the movie?
DeleteDidn't know there was a censored bit, what happens
DeleteNew way to induce heart attack. Microwave weapons (they are small now a days). Yep. Perfect crime. Plausible deniability all built in. It is covered under a www topic called "Gang Stalkers". They also burn your legs and other parts of your body. You move your leg and then they move the aim. It is totally unreal! Why do they keep killing the good ones?!
Deleteif these societies exist as depicted in this film, then we as a civilization are way, way beyond doomed...
ReplyDeleteIt's worse than you can imagine.
DeleteAlthough we know these things, what can we actually do to make the world a better place
DeleteWhat I do is place seeds of TRUTH everywhere I can. What is hard is that so many people are "A-SLEEP". They watch TV and don't question a thing. They become utterly absorbed in distractions. I say spread the TRUTH. I am. I am being attacked as well. But I continue none-the-less. I have no fear. That does not mean I won't end up dead. But I'd rather have spread the TRUTH as best I can before I DIE. Cheers, Ron Lentjes. And yes I display my name. It's amazing how many TRUTHs get deleted.
DeleteIn his Exigesis, Philip K. Dick laid it out pretty clearly. The power in this world is held by a relative few. They are malevolent and deceptive to their core. The human element is manipulated by a spiritual force which is ancient and very powerful. This spiritual force, along with its human global apparatus, is about to be overwhelmed and conquered. As PKD said, their power must be removed by force. Who else but the Owner and Master of our universe has the power to do so? We are on the verge of a global program of spiritual renovation which will have profound effects on all mankind, for better or worse, depending upon our standing before the one who makes a perfect assesment of our inner person. Make no mistake.....the Bible is a government document. Daniel 2:44. Peace.
ReplyDeletei think i love you.
DeleteBeautifully written.
DeleteBut you spelled "Exegesis" incorrectly...
A minor detraction, however.
Well done.
I thank God that Christ gave his life for All HUMANITY. Yes even those you can name in history the present or otherwise. Hatred and any connection to the word seem to be Earthly attributes, again thank God.
DeleteI expect Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman's kids didn't get at all pyscologically disturbed seeing their parents butt naked in Stanley Kubricks last film 'Eyes wide shut'. All kids want to see their parents having sex and it must be great fun that all their mates & peeps at school etc also shared the experience........NOT....
ReplyDeleteCruise and Kidman didn't have any kids.
DeleteCruise and Kidman do have children. They are adopted but they are their kids. You don't have to give birth to someone or donate sperm to be a parent.
ReplyDeleteOh, I know plenty of adopted people (including myself) that would love to debate you on that.
DeleteIt's that biological thing, you see...
You don't necessarily "see it" - but you definitely feel some sort of primal disconnect.
Make no mistake.
Some children feel ashamed to be biologicaly connected to their parents. Sad no one mentions Love these days
DeleteWhat good would killing him do if the film was already set to be released, especially considering Kubrick himself was notoriously tight-lipped about his films and would most likely refuse to give any interpretation? If anything a death right after the meaning would raise suspicion, not protect those implicated.
ReplyDeleteHe refused to edit the film down. A lot of scenes were removed after his death and have never been seen.
DeleteSuspicion can't stand up in a witness box.
DeleteA witness can't stand up in a coffin.
One, he had ultimate editing power reserved. Two, after his murder/death it has been reported that there were much more revealing scenes in EWS that were excised. They depicted implicated scenes of paedophilia at the satanic party scene. Kubrick hit them where they lived and shone a bright light on those scum and their underworld operations. I strongly recommend you read the three-part series by Vigilant Citizen on 'Eyes Wide Shut' here:
ReplyDeleteThe Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut” (pt. I)
I read the three part series last night. Then went to hunt for my copy of the DVD. I was an incredible experience, it joined up a lot of the dots that I had after returning to this film a few times over the last few years. I'm surprised that suspicions around Kubrick's death are not more widely known. Eye opening news for me as I have an active interest in alternative theories. I thinks its fitting that this all started after seeing Killing Joke in Heben Bridge last week - the band used the Backward Priests soundtrack for the intro.
DeleteYes Anonymous, the information on Vigilant Citizen's site is phenomenal, and one can easily spend hours there brain loading information. As for Killing Joke, you may want to catch my exposé on them here: Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men?
DeleteHow on Earth was he capable of this?! You think he just broke free...? Is it possible?
DeleteFantastic Information!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the Tantric Journey, Bill seems to be embarking on the Fool's Journey through the Tarot Card Trumps. Examine "the World", or the "Aeon Card" in the Crowley Deck. These cards depict the Goddess, as the final culmination of the Fool's, (Bill's), Journey.
I wouldn't place much weight on A Clockwork Orange here, given that Burgess' novel came first.
ReplyDeleteAll his work is based on novels...
DeleteWhile the comments about SK being "Heart-Attacked" by a delayed action poison are certainly plausible, for the technology is available, but unlike other conspiracy buffs, I'm not at all convinced that the plutocratic/satanic cabal are overly concerned about public exposure, rather I think they get a perverse thrill out of their "naughty" shenanigans, and are secretly quite pleased by all the wagging tongues. Their attitude is "We'll do as we please and you little shits can't do anything about it hahahaha." And of course, they're right. My feeling is, if you wish to eat caviar from a comely young maiden's mons veneris, why then m'lord please do so and bravo to the both of you. But then again, I'm a man of the world and am able to take it all in stride. However if thine eye offends thee, why then, just pluck it out. So in the words of my old DI "Laissez Les bon temps rouler."
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that the film itself is what "they" would have wanted to suppress. Kubrick's death would have been insignificant to suppression of knowledge and deeds. The movie was released and is still out there (I have a copy myself), so my point is, wouldn't "squashing" of the film have been most important?
ReplyDeleteNo, I disagree, Kubrick had final editing rights written into his contracts. There are reports that there were much more revealing and shocking scenes that were cut from the prints that were released to the public.
DeleteI just think the Lord said enough
ReplyDeleteOr maybe the Lord wants you to examine evidence a little further and not take things at face value.
ReplyDeleteThen there was Nicole Kidman's father who fled Australia and died suddenly in Singapore after allegations of belonging to the Ninth Circle ; an elite satanic pedophile ring.
I kept thinking of that whilst watching the movie. And I wondered if there was any connection between that fact and Nicole being in the movie. It was weird, anyway.
DeleteAs far as her father committing suicide -- maybe. They off people who could spill the beans about other members of their ped ring. And I do think that they offed Stanley, just like they did the model (in EWS)and probably the pianist who had a loose tongue. The masons knocked off anyone who shared information about their secret goings-on. (And, yes, it's intriguing about Pasolini, too.)
"Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom" was a much more disturbing and graphic take on the idea of a secret society. And of course Pasolini was murdered under mysterious circumstances shortly after it was completed.
ReplyDeleteWhat about that one, then? Was it also edited?
DeleteInteresting post. However, Kubrick himself had to have had friends in high places with a lot of power. You don't succeed on his level as a filmmaker unless you do.
ReplyDeleteKubrik was involved in helping the US govt film the first moon landing on his own set. He subtly references this throughout "The Shinning". Many of the skeleton film crew assigned by the cia died suspicously. Kubriks wife stated he feared the same fate so he moved to england and rarely left his estate, even filming there. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteKubrik reluctantly helped film the first moon landing on his studio using a skeleton crew assigned by the government. Most of that crew died suspicous deaths shortly after (even those that tried to hide were found and killed). Kubriks wife said in interviews that he feared the same fate and that is why is moved to England and rarely left his estate. He even filmd movies from his home. He subtly references his involvement throughout "the Shinning". Even all these years later, and with all the scientific evidence to the contrary, the US govt will still not admit it was a hoax. It wouldnt suprise me if Mr. Kubriks death was tied in with his association.
ReplyDeleteInteresting article. Being new to this subject matter I find the facts of corruption in powerful people to be even more enforced with each article I read. His warning in the quote says so much.
ReplyDeleteKubrick talked about freemasonery rituals in his last movie... I assume this killed him.
ReplyDeleteIf Kubrick was whacked, I would guess that perhaps he broke an oath of secrecy that he had taken to not expose such matters and as warning to other insiders to be careful about what they show in their films because this film was released and is still widely available.
ReplyDelete2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) was one of his greatest works, and attracted the attention of NASA. The Apollo Moon shots (1969-1972) show indications of a dividing line between the foreground and a background screen - Front Screen Projection. Stanley gave many clues that he helped NASA, such as the boy with the Apollo 11 shirt in The Shining, rising up (like a rocket), going to Room 237 (237 million miles to the Moon), then being unable to talk. Eyes Wide Shut was released on July 16, 1999 - exactly 30 years from the launch of Apollo 11.
ReplyDeleteThe moon is much closer than 237 million miles. The sun is 93 million miles away.
DeleteOne thing, the moon is much closer than that. The sun is 93 million miles away.
DeleteJust saw an interesting film about The Shining where it depicts the confession of Kubrick regarding the space hoax. It's on youtube.
ReplyDeleteNice work. Bravo!
ReplyDeleteIt is said that Kubrick had an important part in the U.S. moon missions. Since his classic movie 2001.A space odyssey. It seems his work in fabricating man in space was noticed and he was assigned to film the 1969 U.S. space landing on the moon. So with his untimely death we are left with the question if the moon landings were ever for real or faked all along!
ReplyDeleteHello Hei Hu Quan,
ReplyDeleteThe Shining leaves clues that Kubrick possibly directed the moonlanding.
See "The Kubrick Question" on the Corbett report:
See specifically timeframe 30:30 to 35:30, but the rest is more than worthwhile too. It lays out how Kubrick could have done it and points out the similarities between production of 2001: A Space Odyssey and the Apollo Program which were shot (or could have been) at the same time.
In short: lots of good stuff in the link, especially if you're interested in a topic like this.
similar to the bohemian grove rituals that go on for the elite.
ReplyDeleteGreat article! I'm wanting to meet with some like minded people. But I'm in Alaska and their are not too many here :( watch "Synagogue of Satan" man that is eye opening
ReplyDeleteUpdate time with Pizzagate and Nicoles father being a pedo and on and on...
ReplyDeleteHollywood --is-- INTEL and ALL directors, certainly
ReplyDeleteat this level, are SPOOKS linked to the USURY--INTEL
mafia families.
There are NO exceptions and never were.
USURY --is-- deviant economy and demands
an ever more deviant itself to uphold and advance itself.
And STANLEY's - -'CUBE--brick' was clearly on board
with INTEL's 7 decades ongoing 'men are pigs' project.